Monday, August 01, 2005

Mobile Blogging


Yahoo Blog and ... you've let me down! Yahoo has this crazy and seemingly impossible desire for your email to contain your cellphone number, and apparently NOTHING else. I have a Yahoo Mail Plus account, that I pay for, and it supports POP3 access. You need that in order to post from your phone, but I don't have my cellphone number as my name, and I'm not buying a second account just to post to Yahoo. There are free POP3 services, and I signed up for one. My username was "moblog" followed by my cell number. I tried to post... didn't work. So I scourered the web and found this place called It didn't work. Then I stumbled upon I've never heard of it, but I decided to check it out. After some trial and error and a fairly strange video posting policy (videos have to be "approved", but by whom? Is there some person watching every video and deciding if it's okay?). At first, this seemed like a dead end, because I figured that I was the person that had to approve it when I got my first email asking me to do exactly that. And unfortunately, the programming language that linked me to the approval process wasn't understood by my phone. But I soon found out that simply logging into the regular site would allow me to upload. It took a while loading each page, but it worked. Then, with my first test upload tonight, my video showed up online without my approval (I mean, I sent it, I just didn't go through the approval process).

So, I'm pretty spyched. I was hoping for just one place to host all of my mobile blogging, but I'm okay with two. Pictures and videos through TextAmerica, and audio and texual through bloggger (blogspot) dot com. So basically, there isn't anything I can't do now!


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